What to Expect at a Free Personal Injury Consultation at McGuiness Law.

Connecting with a Law firm can be an intimidating thought, not to mention an intimidating experience. There are a lot of misconceptions about lawyers and the legal process, leading to fears and anxiety around reaching out and speaking to someone. 

We want to change this experience for all Albertans. At McGuiness Law, we work hard to ensure that you feel comfortable, at ease and supported. This is one of the reasons we offer free consultations for any potential personal injury or victims of crime cases.

But what can you expect at one of these consultations? We’re here to shed some light on the process, to hopefully help you feel less uneasy about reaching out to a good lawyer for guidance. Let’s talk about five things you can expect during your consultation.


The Consultation Process at McGuiness Law 

#1: Discuss Your Case. 

To help us understand your situation and assess if working together would be beneficial for you, we need to get more details about what happened. We’ll ask you about the current standing of your case, what kind of injuries you have had, and if an insurance company has already sent you any offers. 

#2: Review Documents. 

If you have supporting documents that help strengthen your case, we take some time to look these over. These include medical records from your doctor and other medical experts that confirm your injuries, police reports, and any other documents that might be useful. 

#3: Evaluate Your Case

At this step, we consider what fair compensation for your specific case would look like. Since we specialize in personal injury law and have dealt with a lot of motor vehicle and car accident cases across Alberta, we have the experience needed to have a solid idea about fair compensation. 

P.S. Check out our True Client Story on how a free consultation helped us identify that the offer from an Insurance company was lowballed by at least $60,000. 


#4: Explain Legal Options

During this step of the consultation, we will go over the legal options we believe will be the most effective for maximizing your compensation. We do not want you to settle for just any offer and walk away leaving money on the table, but we also don’t want to take you on as a client if we believe you will not benefit from working together (for example, maybe the offer you’ve received is already a good one, and working together with us would not make financial sense for your case). 

Our entire goal with this consultation is to empower and educate you regarding your case and which next steps are available (and make the most sense). 

#5: Answer Questions

If you have any remaining questions about your case or situation, we are happy to listen and provide guidance during this step. We provide recommendations and do our best to ensure that you leave the consultation feeling more confident, informed, and supported. 

What Happens Next? 

We greatly value transparency and honesty. As a team, we work toward upholding these values with each of our clients and their unique cases. You’ll leave knowing if we believe you’ve already received a solid offer from your insurance company, or if you have received a low-ball offer and deserve higher compensation. 

If we recommend that you seek greater compensation, we also provide information on which next steps are the most helpful and effective for you. 


Lastly, our consultations are obligation-free! Just because you had a consultation with us, does not mean we will now pressure you to work with us. That being said, should you choose to work with McGuiness Law, you can rest assured that you have a passionate, experienced team working hard for you. We stand up for our clients, ensure that their voices are heard, and fiercely negotiate to ensure you are compensated fairly. 

If you are ready to take us up on our offer of a free consultation, connect with us via our online form, or by calling us at 1-833-662-2624. 

P.S. You might also enjoy our blog post on 5 Things to Do Before Accepting the Personal Injury Claim from Your Insurance or What To Do After a Car Accident in Alberta.