Types of Personal Injury Claims in Alberta

When we think: “personal injury claim,” most of us think about car accidents. This is not without good reason, as the most common type of claim is one that involves motor vehicles. This could include:

  • Two or more vehicles getting into an accident with each other
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Pedestrians getting into an accident with a car
  • Bicyclists getting into an accident with a car
  • Boating or snowmobiling accidents.
  • And more

However, personal injury claims go beyond incidents with motor vehicles. Keep reading to learn about other types of claims. 


Premises Liability

This is when a property owner is held responsible for accidents and injuries that occur on their property. One of the most common types of cases in this category is slip and fall incidents. 

Slip and fall cases are extremely common in Alberta. Our province has the second highest rate of slip and fall injuries in all of Canada; with Saskatchewan at the top. To put this into perspective, in Alberta, people are three times more likely to fall and hurt themselves than in Ontario.

Common injuries that can be the liability of the property owner also include injuries due to a neglected property such as holes, uneven or broken stairs, loose railings, tripping hazards,, poor lighting, slippery floor, etc.

Wrongful Death

Unfortunately, we hear about wrongful death cases all of the time. It’s hard to imagine what the loved ones of those involved in these cases have been through. Common causes for this type of case can include: 

  • Medical malpractice
  • Negligent treatment at nursing homes and care facilities
  • Accidents on the job
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • And so on

A heart-breaking example of this is in 2020 when an elderly woman from Calgary died at her nursing home after she inhaled oatmeal while eating her breakfast. It is alleged that she wasn’t watched properly during breakfast (even though it was known that she needed special care during meal times) and that the care home staff sent her to bed despite the elder looking to be ill and unwell. Her daughters decided to sue the nursing home for wrongful death..


Note that when it comes to wrongful death, each Canadian province has its own definition and regulations. For example, in Alberta, proof of grief by family members is not required. To sort out the details of your own case, be sure to connect with an experienced personal injury law firm in your province. 


It’s a sad fact that we have to mention this type of personal injury, as well. Assaults have steadily increased across the country, particularly sexual assault. More and more Canadians have either fallen victim to an assault or personally know someone who has. 

Some of the most common types of assault include:

  • Simple assault: this type of assault can be from a simple push to a full-on, physical fight. However, a personal injury claim is not typical for this type of assault.
  • Assault causing bodily harm: any type of bodily harm that happens as a result of physical force is usually called an assault that causes bodily harm. This could mean the victim has something as small as a scratch or as big as broken bones.
  • Assault using a weapon: if a weapon was used or an individual was threatened with a weapon, and bodily harm was caused, we’re dealing with an assault of this kind.
  • Aggravated assault: usually, this type of assault results in a life-changing injury, a permanent injury, or a life-changing injury. 


We’re here to help

At McGuiness Law, we are passionate about helping our clients receive the justice and compensation that they deserve. We are well-versed in the tricks that insurance companies like to play, and we are experienced in fighting and effectively negotiating for our clients.  

Our specialty of focus is personal injury cases after a motor vehicle accident, but we can provide guidance or refer you to a colleague to ensure you receive the best support for your situation. 

If you are in need of clarity and have questions regarding your case, please contact us to set up a free, no-obligation consultation. After hearing details about your case, we can guide you on the next steps and whether you would benefit from working with us or not. You will not be obligated to work with us if we advise you that you would benefit from legal assistance.

To get in touch, call our toll-free number at 1-833-585-4145 or us our online contact form.