Passenger in a Car Accident? Here’s What to Do!

When we look at the 2021 Alberta Traffic Collision Statistics (most recent official data available), we see that the number of collisions, injuries and fatalities have increased when compared to 2020 statistics.In a motor-vehicle accident, everyone in the vehicle can be impacted, from the driver to those sitting in the backseat. 

On our McGuiness Law blog, we’ve often shared posts related to what to do if you are involved in a car accident in Alberta.. But what if you were a passenger in a vehicle that was involved in an accident? So many questions may come up, such as…

What should I do if I am a passenger in a car accident? (Keep reading for the answer).

Can I file a claim? (In short: Yes! Keep reading).

Will my auto insurance be impacted?

Do I need a lawyer?

I’ll be answering those questions and more below. Let’s dive into some of the details. 


  1. Type of Passenger

Whether you were a passenger in a friend’s vehicle, in a taxi, an uber, or on a bus, you are likely qualified to file a claim. If the driver of your vehicle is found to be liable for the accident, this does not automatically take away from your right to compensation for injuries; you should still connect with a lawyer to see if you have a case. 

  1. Collecting Information

Much like with any other type of accident, you want to ensure that you collect information on the scene, right after the accident. Don’t wait too long – details are often quickly forgotten, and those involved or other witnesses may begin to leave!

Information you should try to collect includes, but is not limited to:

  • names and contact information for all individuals involved
  • the insurance information for everyone who was involved
  • a copy of your witness statement
  • photos and/or video footage of the scene, yourself, etc.
  • the police accident report number
  • anything else you think might be useful and important

The above information becomes especially important if you are in a public vehicle (such as a bus, taxi, etc.) and those you are dealing with are strangers to you. You may not be able to track them down again at a later time and this will hurt your case.


  1. Get Medical Attention

You might assume that you did not get injured in the crash if there are no obvious injuries at first. However, some injuries do not make themselves known until hours, days, weeks, or even months after an accident. 

Visit your healthcare provider either way. Not only will you get a clearer picture of your potential injuries, but you’ll have important evidence and paper trail for your case down the road. Not having medical documentation can also hurt your case. 

  1. Determine Potential Benefits

There are benefits that might be available to you to help cover the costs for treatment. Some of this potential coverage could come via: 

  • your vehicle insurance provider
  • benefits through your workplace and employment
  • Section B coverage through your insurance provider

If you’re not sure how to figure out which benefits may apply in your case, be sure to connect with us! We are experienced in ensuring that you receive all the coverage and compensation that you deserve!

This brings us to our last point:


Call McGuiness Law

We are here to help you and ensure that your voice is heard. We are experienced, passionate lawyers who understand the loopholes that insurance companies often like to use. We’ve had cases where clients would have walked away from a lot of money had they never reached out to us. 

We offer completely free, no-obligation consultations. During this process, you’ll present us with the details of your case and we can let you know if it would make financial sense for you to work with us, or not. We work on the basis of a contingency fee, so we only take on cases where we’re confident you will win! 

To connect with us, please use our online contact form or call us toll-free at 1-833-585-4145.