I was a Passenger Injured in a Car Accident. What Should I do?

If you are the passenger in a vehicle (including if you are riding in a bus, taxi, or uber) that is in an accident and you are injured, it is likely that you are entitled to compensation. Even if the driver of your vehicle is determined to be liable or at fault for the accident, you likely have a valid claim for your injuries.


Passenger Injured in Accident Blog


There are steps you can take to make sure you get the medical treatment you need and compensation you deserve:

1. Gather information at the scene:
Get as much information at the scene as you would if you were the driver. This includes:

  • the name and contact information for all parties involved
  • insurance information (contained in the ‘pink slip’) for all parties involved
  • the police accident report number
  • a copy of your witness statement
  • photographs
  • any other information you think is important

This is especially essential information to have if you were the passenger in a bus, taxi, or uber, and do not personally know or have contact information for the drivers involved.

2. Determine if you were injured in the crash:
If you do not require immediate medical attention, the car accident could have health consequences that appear over time. See your doctor or treatment provider soon after the accident to document your injuries and recommend treatment.

3. Find out if you are entitled to benefits to pay for your medical costs:
You may be able to pay for treatment through:

  • third party benefits through work
  • Section B coverage from your insurance company
  • coverage through the driver’s insurance company

Your lawyer can help you determine the most suitable source of coverage so you can focus on getting better.

4. Call the experienced lawyers at McGuiness Law:
Our lawyers can help guide you through this confusing process and make sure your rights are upheld and you are fairly compensated.

Call McGuiness Law for a free consultation and let’s work on making you better.